Technical Bulletins |
Update to Information Exchange Version 4 Release 6
Date Posted: July 6, 1999
Customers affected: All users of the Information
Exchange mailboxing component of Interchange Services.
This Technical Bulletin contains information about updates
to Information Exchange Version 4 Release 6 planned for
implementation on July 18, 1999 on the USA system.
Hold message in mailbox
An option to hold a message in the mailbox will be available
in Information Exchange. When a message is held in the mailbox,
it will not be a candidate for receive processing until
the hold is removed. For example, if users have limited
time to process the session, they may want to use
the hold option to defer receiving large messages until
later. Another example of where this option will be helpful
is when there is a problem receiving a message. The problem
message could be held in the mailbox, thus, allowing the
remaining messages to be received.
All messages except for messages that are already in the
process of being received can be held in the mailbox. You
can remove the hold to allow the message to be received,
or you can delete the message. A message held in the mailbox
will expire from the mailbox if it has not been received
by the expiration date.
You can hold a message or remove the hold via Information
Exchange Administration Services (IEAS). Mailbox owners,
service administrators, and alternate administrators with
an authority type other than "View mail only"
(M) will be allowed to hold messages or to remove the hold.
Carbon copy options when specifying EDI criteria (X12
and UCS relationships only)
- An option "L" for All will be available. This
option allows messages to be carbon copied if the transaction
set IDin All ST segments matches the transaction set ID
specified in the carbon copy relationship. Currently,
options "A" for Any and "F" for First
are available.
- An option to allow "Purge original message"
for a specific transaction set ID will be available. This
option allows a message with a specific transaction set
ID to be redirected, while allowing another message with
a different transaction set ID from the same partner
to be carbon copied to the same recipient.
Information Exchange Administration Services messages
- When listing inbound mail (inbox), an option to exclude
messages from *SYSTEM**ERRMSG* will be available. This
option allows viewers to skip error and acknowledgment
messages when listing their inbound mail.
- The message expiration date will be displayed when viewing
information about a message. This helps the mailbox owner
decide when the message should be received.
Signon to Information Exchange Administration Services
(IEAS) for the Web
Currently, users of IEAS for the Web are required to
have an Information Exchange password that follows
Extended Security Option (ESO) rules. These users will be
given the option to specify their network password in addition
to their Information Exchange password.If they choose this
option, their Information Exchange password does not need
to follow ESO rules.
User Profile function on IEAS for the Web
An option "List user IDs" will be available.
In addition, the "View or Change a Profile" option
will be split into the following two options: "View
a User Profile" and "Update a User Profile".
Cluster user ID definitions
The restriction to limit a cluster parent user ID to
5 characters will be removed. Cluster parent user IDs will
be allowed to be 6 characters. A two-character numeric suffix
is appended to the end of a cluster parent ID to identify
the specific child ID within the cluster.
can access Information Exchange Administration Services for
the Web through the following URL:
The Web pages listed below are affected by changes covered
in this Technical Bulletin.
Information Exchange Administration Services Signon
Users of IEAS for the Web will be given the option to specify
their network password in addition to their Information
Exchange password. The following rules will apply:
- Network password specified:
The network password will be authenticated. If the
network password is valid, the Information Exchange password
will be validated using non-ESO rules. If the Information
Exchange password is valid, access to IEAS for the Web
will be granted. If either the network password or the
Information Exchange password authentication fails, access
to IEAS for the Web will be denied.
- Network password not specified:
The Information Exchange password will be validated
using ESO rules. If the Information Exchange password
is valid, access to IEAS for the Web will be granted;
otherwise, access will be denied. This is the way authentication
is performed today.
Inbox Search Criteria
An "Exclude *SYSTEM**ERRMSG*" check box will
be available. If the box is checked, the inbox message list
will not include messages sent from account *SYSTEM* and
user ID *ERRMSG*. That is, system acknowledgments and error
messages will not be listed.
- The "From Archive" heading has been changed
to "Archive Indicator".
This field may display one of the following values:
- Y to indicate the message was retrieved from archive.
- Blank to indicate the message has not been archived.
- A "Hold Message(s) / Remove Hold" button will
be available on this page. When this button is pressed:
- For selected messages with a "Receive Indicator"
value of blank or "F", the messages will be
held in the mailbox. The value of the "Receive
Indicator" will be changed to "H".
- For selected messages with a "Receive Indicator"
value of "H", the messages will have the hold
- For selected messages with a "Y" in the
"Receive Indicator", an error message will
be generated, since the message is in process of being
received and cannot be held.
The "From Archive" heading has been changed to
"Archive Indicator".
This field may display one of the following values:
- Y to indicate the message was retrieved from archive.
- Blank to indicate the message has not been archived.
Inbox and Outbox Message Information
- Messages generated from carbon copy requests will display
a "Carbon copy Information" section. The following
fields may be included:
- Carbon copy partner ID - The partner ID in the relationship
that triggered the carbon copy message.
- Carbon copy type - Whether the carbon copy was requested
by a send, receive, or redirect carbon copy relationship.
- The "Additional Information" section will
have the following additional or changed fields:
- Message key - The unique ID assigned to this message.
This is a new field.
- Expiration date - The earliest date that Information
Exchange can purge the message from the mailbox if it
has not been received. This is a new field.
- The "Number of Files" heading has been changed
to "Number of messages".
- The "Files with CDH/without CDH" heading
has been changed to "Messages with CDH/without
- A "Hold Message(s)/Remove Hold" button will
be available on this page. When this button is pressed:
- If the "Receive Indicator" value is blank
or "F", the message will be held in the mailbox.
The value of the "Receive Indicator" will
be changed to "H".
- If the "Receive Indicator" value is "H",
the hold on the message will be removed.
- If the "Receive Indicator" value is "Y",
an error message will be generated since the message
is in process of being received and cannot be held.
Archived Messages
The information displayed for some EDI messages on this
page has changed. If the sender's EDI ID and the EDI control
ID exist in the CDH of an archived message, the sender's
EDI ID (qualifier and ID) will be displayed in "Sender
ID" field and the EDI control ID will be displayed
in the "EDI Ctrl ID or Message Name" field.
- The "Sender ID" heading will have the "Sys
ID, Account, User ID" subheading removed. When a
message with a Common Data Header (CDH) sender qualifier
and ID specification is displayed, the "Sender ID"
field will display the qualifier and ID instead of the
system ID, account, and user ID.
- The "Message Name" heading has been changed
to "EDI Ctrl ID or Message Name". When a message
with a CDH control ID specification is displayed, the
control ID will be displayed in the "EDI Ctrl ID
or Message Name" field instead of the message name.
Archived Message Information
- A "Sender Information Section" will be displayed.
The following fields will be included:
- Sender's System ID, account ID, and User ID
- Sender's system type and level
- Messages generated from carbon copy requests will display
a "Carbon copy Information" section. The following
fields may be included:
- Carbon copy partner ID - The partner ID of the relationship
that triggered the carbon copy message.
- Carbon copy type - Whether the carbon copy was requested
by a send, receive, or redirect carbon copy relationship.
- The "Additional Information" section will
have the following additional or changed fields:
- Message key - The unique ID assigned to this message.
This is a new field.
- Delete date - The date that the message is scheduled
to be deleted from the archive. This is a new field.
- The "Number of Files" heading has been changed
to "Number of messages".
- The "Files with CDH / without CDH" heading
has been changed to "Messages with CDH / without
Site Menu - User Profiles
- The "View or Change a Profile" option has
been split into the following two options: "View
a User Profile" and "Update a User Profile".
When the view option is selected, the profile information
will be displayed but no changes will be allowed. When
the update option is selected, changes will be allowed.
Changes are submitted by pressing the UPDATE button, and
only authorized changes will be applied.
- An option "List user IDs" has been added to
this menu. Authorized users will be allowed to list the
user IDs associated with a specified account.
User IDs Search Criteria
This is a new page. It will allow the specification of
an "account ID" and a "start at User ID".
All users will be allowed to list user IDs for their own
account. To list users for another account, you must be
an alternate administrator for the requested account with
an authority type other than "View mail only"
The panels listed below are affected by changes covered
in this Technical Bulletin.
Add or Change a Carbon Copy Relationship for X12 and
UCS Data Types
Add or Change a Carbon Copy Relationship (M3820US)
For receive-side relationships, the field "Purge original
message?" has been changed to "Always purge original
- If a "Y" is specified in this field, the original
message will be purged when a carbon copy message is created
as a result of that relationship definition.
- If an "N" is specified in this field, an option
to purge the original message when specifying EDI criteria
for that relationship will be available.
Add EDI Criteria (M3821US)
For receive-side relationships, the field "Purge orig.?"
has been added for each transaction set ID criteria specification.
- If a "Y" is specified in this field, the original
message will be purged when a carbon copy message is created
as a result of that criteria specification.
- If a message matches more than one criteria specification
and any of the matching criteria specifications have a
value of "Y" in the "Purge orig.?"
field, the message will be redirected.
An option "L" for All will be available. This
option allows messages to be carbon copied if the transaction
set ID in All ST segments matches the transaction
set ID specified in the carbon copy relationship. Currently,
options "A" for Any and "F" for Firstare
List Carbon Copy Relationships (M3810US)
The "Purge orig.?" column may display one of
the following values:
- "Y"
- For X12 and UCS, if the "Always purge original
message?" field has a specification of "Y".
- For EDIFACT and UN/TDI, if the "Purge original
message?"field has a specification of "Y".
- "N"
- For X12 and UCS, if the "Always purge original
message?" field has a specification of "N"
and no criteria are specified, or all criteria have
"N" in the "Purge orig.?" field.
- For EDIFACT and UN/TDI, if the "Purge original
message?" field has a specification of "N".
- For all send-side relationships.
- "C"
- For X12 and UCS relationships, if the "Always
purge original message?" field has a specification
of "N" and one or more criteria have "Y"
in the "Purge orig.?" field.
Work with Messages (M3000US)
An option "Exclude *SYSTEM**ERRMSG*" will be
available for list inbound messages. If "Y" is
specified in this option, the list of inbound messages will
not include messages sent from account *SYSTEM* and user
ID *ERRMSG*. That is, system acknowledgments and error messages
will not be listed.
List Inbound Messages (M3100US)
- The code M for "Hold in mailbox" will be available.
When a message with a "Rcv ind" value of blank
or "F" is selected from the list, a request
to hold the message in the mailbox will be processed when
the user exits the list panel by pressing PF3 or PF4.
Messages with an "H" or "Y" in the
"Rcv ind" field cannot be placed on hold.
- The code R for "Remove hold" will be available.
When a message with a "Rcv ind" value of "H"
is selected from the list, a request to remove the hold
on the message is processed when the user exits the list
panel by pressing PF3 or PF4. A request to remove the
hold is only valid for messages that have a value of "H"
in the "Rcv ind" field.
- A value of "H" will be displayed in the "Rcv
ind" list field for messages that were placed on
hold and are not candidates for a receive.
Information about the Inbound Message (M3101US)
- A field "Expiration date" has been added to
this panel. This field displays the earliest date that
Information Exchange can purge the message from the mailbox
if it has not been received.
- The "Priority" field name has been changed
to "Priority / receive indicator". The following
"receive indicator" values may display:
- Receive in progress
- Forced selective receive
- Held in mailbox
- The code M for "Hold in mailbox" will be available.
When a message with a "receive indicator" value
of blank or "Forced selective receive" is requested
to be held in the mailbox, the request will be processed
when the user exits the "Information about the Inbound
message" panel by pressing PF4, or the "List
inbound messages" panel by pressing PF3 or PF4. A
message with a "Receive in progress" or "Held
in mailbox" value cannot be placed on hold.
- The code R for "Remove hold" will be available.
When a message with a "receive indicator" value
of "Held in mailbox" is requested to have the
hold removed, the request will be processed when the user
exits the "Information about the Inbound message"
panel by pressing PF4, or the "List inbound messages"
panel by pressing PF3 or PF4. A request to remove the
hold is only valid for a message with a value of "Held
in mailbox".
Common Data Header for the Inbound Message (M3103US
and M3104US)
- The code M for "Hold in mailbox" will be available.
When a message with a "receive indicator" value
of blank or "Forced selective receive" is requested
to be held in the mailbox, the request will be processed
when the user exits the "Common Data Header for the
Inbound message" panel by pressing PF4, or the "List
inbound messages" panel by pressing PF3 or PF4. A
message with a "Receive in progress" or "Held
in mailbox" value cannot be placed on hold.
- The code R for "Remove hold" will be available.
When a message with a "receive indicator" value
of "Held in mailbox" is requested to have the
hold removed, the request will be processed when the user
exits the "Common Data Header for the Inbound message"
panel by pressing PF4, or the "List inbound messages"
panel by pressing PF3 or PF4. A request to remove the
hold is only valid for a message with a value of "Held
in mailbox".
List Outbound Messages (M3200US)
A value of "H" will be displayed in the "Rcv
ind" list field for messages that were placed on hold
and are not candidates for a receive.
Information about the Outbound Message (M3201US)
A field "Expiration date" has been added to this
panel. This field displays the earliest date that Information
Exchange can purge the message from the mailbox if it has
not been received.
List Archived Messages (M3411US)
The information displayed for some EDI messages on this
panel has changed. If the sender's EDI ID and the EDI control
ID exist in the CDH of an archived message, the sender's
EDI ID (qualifier and ID) will be displayed in "Sender
ID" field and the EDI control ID will be displayed
in the "EDI Ctrl ID or Message Name" field.
- The "Sender ID" heading will have the "Sys
ID, Account, User ID" subheading removed. When a
message with a CDH sender qualifier and ID specification
is displayed, the "Sender ID" field will display
the qualifier and ID instead of the system ID, account,
and user ID.
- The "Message Name" heading will be changed
to "EDI Ctrl ID or Message Name". When a message
with a CDH control ID specification is displayed, the
control ID will be displayed in the "EDI Ctrl ID
or Message Name" field instead of the message name.
- The "Delete Date" field will be removed from
this panel. The field will still be found in the "Information
about an Archived Message" panel.
Information about Last Active User Session (M6100US)
The field "Date and time password last changed"
will be available. This date and time will be updated each
time the password is changed or reset.