How do I reset a session if a system failure occurs
and the session is not recoverable?
A check is made for active send requests.
If any are found:
- A session inquiry is performed.
- If the session inquiry idle time (the time since
the last message transfer) exceeds one minute, a
send purge command is issued to Information Exchange
and a fresh send control record is reset so the
send request can be restarted.
- A cleanup module is linked to perform a reset
backout. Because receive requests are backed
out to the last commit, any in-process receives
are automatically restarted.
Your active user session profile is purged so that
the next time you log on, a new session start is issued.
To reset a session,
- Under Cmd in the field next to each session you
want to reset, type S.
- To cancel and return to the Expedite/CICS Administration
Selection menu, press PF12.
- To process the status command(s), press Enter.
Expedite/CICS displays the Reset Session panel of
the user whose session is to be reset with the account
ID and user ID already filled in.
- To confirm the reset request, press Enter.
[Return to questions]
How do I reset a session with
transaction IDLT?
To reset a session with transaction IDLT, begin
in native CICS.
- Clear the display and type IDLTAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUU
where: AAAAAAAA is the Information Exchange account
ID and UUUUUUUU is the Information Exchange user
ID. The Reset Session panel is displayed with
the account ID and user ID fields already filled
- To cancel the reset request and return to native
CICS, press PF12.
- To confirm the reset request and return to native
CICS, press Enter.
Note: If you do not type the account
ID and user ID with the IDLT command, the Reset Session
panel is displayed with the account ID and user ID
not filled in. [Return to questions]
I just installed Expedite/CICS
for the first time and I saw the following message
NO SYSTEM/DEFAULT USERID." What does this mean?
This message serves two purposes.
The first is a reminder to newly installed Expedite/CICS
users that the SYSTEM/DEFAULT record must be created
for Expedite/CICS to perform properly. Upon
CICS startup, the activity monitor for Expedite/CICS
starts. The first thing the activity monitor
does is look for the SYSTEM/DEFAULT record in the
EXPDSRC file. Since you have just installed
Expedite/CICS for the first time, the SYSTEM/DEFAULT
record is not yet present in this file. It will
be created when you sign on to Expedite/CICS under
account SYSTEM, user ID DEFAULT, and password DEFAULT.
The second is to inform the established Expedite/CICS
user that the required SYSTEM/DEFAULT record is missing
from the EXPDSRC file. It can be recreated by
signing on as account SYSTEM, user ID DEFAULT, using
the current password for this user ID. Until
the SYSTEM/DEFAULT user ID is found by Expedite/CICS,
the activity monitor will continue to write the above
message to the EXPLOG1 log.
[Return to questions]
What do I do when the Receives
or Sends become slower and slower until they hang?
You need to check the extents on your EXPRDAT (for
receives) or EXPSDAT (for sends). Data sets
should not have gone into multiple extents.KSDS files
need to be reorganized on a timely basis, and data
sets need to be set up with enough space to be twice
as large as the largest file they intend to SEND or
RECEIVE. [Return to questions]
What do I do if data is shown
as having been sent, but did not arrive at the trading
partner's mailbox?
Check the Information Exchange payment levels for
this trading partner. Usually there is an error
of authorization levels in the Information Exchange
trading partner list. You will be able to see
the file in IE/SERV with a purged status and normally
there will be a system errmsg in the customer's mailbox.
[Return to questions]